Sometimes you wish content would be displayed at a later time, or maybe you want to limit the content to be shown only for a few days.
Scheduling your content will allow you to set a show window for each content item, and then let the screen keep itself fresh without your involvement.
The scehduling has 4 options:
- Show after a certain date and time.
- Show until a certain date and time.
- Show on a certain day of the week
- Show on specific time frame of a day.
There are also special conditions for offline detection and webhook use.
Let’s get started, hover over your desired content and click on the conditions icon:
Choose the appropriate condition type from the drop down:
After condition :
Choose the date and time you want this content to start showing. It will not be displayed before.
Eg. An event welcome banner that starts next week.
Note: it will only start once its turn in the playlist has arrived.
Until condition :
Choose the date and time you want this content to stop showing. It will not be displayed after the end of the specified minute.
Eg. a sale ending in 3 days.
Every week:
Choose the day of the week you want this content to show, you can choose multiple days. it will not be shown on other days.
Eg. A great weekend blessing every Friday.
Every day:
Choose the start time and end time for this content to show every day. It will not be shown outside of this time window. Make sure that the start time is before end time. The content will be shown until the end of the specified minute.
Eg. A lunch special between 12-14 every day.
If Offline:
This content will show only if the device is offline.
*Player must be version 11 and up.
If Webhook:
You’ll get a webhook link that upon accessing it, this content will be shown.
You can decide for how long this content will show once the webhook is received:
If you choose “Forever” you can access the webhook again with ‘&stop=true’ added to the end of the link, and the webhook trigger will be off.
After adding the condition, you can copy the link from here:
You’ll get a link that looks like this:<SPECIAL_TOKEN>
Keep this link private!
Everyone with access to this link will be able to trigger the conditioned content.
You can always remove this condition and re-add the webhook to get a new link.
To make the webhook active - just access it, you can even paste it in a browser to make it active.
If a webhook is triggered - this condition will pass and the content will be shown. you’ll also see an indication to the weebhook status when it’s active:
Note: this is not an immediate action, if there are currently content items showing in the playlist, the playlist will wait until it reaches this content item to show it.
*Player must be version 11 and up.
When you’re done setting up your condition, add it to the content or playlist:
Multiple Conditions
On the side you can see a list of conditions applicable to that item:
You can delete a specific condition from here, using the trash icon.
By default, each item will verify that all of the conditions above pass, before this item will be shown.
But you can also create a set of conditions, that will show an item even if only one of the consitions has passed.
For example, showing “out of service” message if the device is offline, or if it’s outside working hours:
To make this work, choose “Show when one rule is matched” from the dropdown beneath the list.
When an item has conditions they will be marked with a flash icon:
If you need to mix even more complex scenarios, you can upload the same content multiple times and add conditions to each, as necessary.
Another way to create complex scheduling is by conditioning playlists.
Playlist Conditioning:
If you have multiple playlists on a player, you can schedule each one to show in different times.
The icon for conditioning a playlist is in the corner of each playlist:
You can condition and schedule a playlist in the same way you condition an item.
Each item is first checked for it’s playlist conditions, and only once they passed, the item conditions are checked.
If they both pass, the item will be shown.
When a plylist is conditioned, it’s flash icon will be yellow:
The time is taken from the playback device, whether it's a smart TV or external device, so make sure the time is correctly set.
Scheduling might not start exactly when it should, if other items has started, they will be finished before this content scheduling condition is executed.